Our Logo has been designed to represent two aspects, having different categories of workmen – Blue Collared, White/Pink Collared and Gold Collared.
Our Core Commitments
Aspect 1
We, as HR, are responsible for Organization and Employee Development. Hence grooming the people to the next level will be the primary goal i.e… Blue to White/Pink to Gold which happens only when we harness their potential.
Aspect 2
We have to create a togetherness environment between all levels of employees for smooth, healthy functioning and development of an organization. Hence the human chain inside the logo reflects our role.
Amaravathi HR Chapter
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Personal Beach For Summer
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Relaxation Spaces
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What We Do
Curabitur gravida sagittis dolor, sit amet tincidunt sem sagittis et. Nullam metus justo, rhoncus et nisi et, elementum dictum neque. Praesent sed risus eu risus laoreet rhoncus. Donec tincidunt, orci vel iaculis sodales, turpis lacus vehicula erat, vel viverra neque quam vulputate dolor.
Curabitur gravida sagittis dolor, sit amet tincidunt sem sagittis et. Nullam metus justo, rhoncus et nisi et, elementum dictum neque. Praesent sed risus eu risus laoreet rhoncus. Donec tincidunt, orci vel iaculis sodales, turpis lacus vehicula erat, vel viverra neque quam vulputate dolor.